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The SMART VALVE™ air compression benefit works on all single jet, multi jet, and turbine category positive displacement meters. These make up over 99% of all water meters in use.


The science is based upon Boyle’s Law regarding gas pressure and volume and Le Chatelier’s Principal of volumetric dynamics. The SMART VALVE™ is installed in your water line on your side of the meter as close to the meter as possible. The variable spring loaded plunger maintains a constant pressure on the oncoming water supply. This ‘backpressure’ manifests itself into a high pressure point on the other side of the water meter. When air reaches this pressure point, the air becomes compressed and no longer maintains its volume. It passes by the water meter in this compressed state until after it passes through the SMART VALVE™ and soon returns to its original uncompressed state. The SMART VALVE™ does NOT remove the air, it just compresses it so the water meter can’t measure it.


NSF 61 (potable water)
NSF 372 (lead free)


Smart Valve 3/4"



    The SMART VALVE™, offers its customers a 90 day unconditional customer satisfaction guarantee.

    1.The guarantee period shall begin ten (10) calendar days from the customer’s receipt of the valve,or the installation date, whichever occurs first, and shall end ninety (90) calendar days from the begin date.

    2.Before removal and return of the valve, customer must communicate with the company or its sales representative in order to resolve the reason for returning the valve.

    3.We must receive returned Smart Valve within ten (10) calendar days from the end of the guarantee period and the valve must be in good working condition,normal wear and tear excepted.

    4.Purchase price, based on customer invoice, which must be submitted with the returned valve, will be refunded by the company or sales representative within 15 days of receipt of the returned valve.

    5.In order to qualify for the guarantee the customer or sales rep must have submitted a completed site survey prior to install.

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